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Comment: A quick walk on the lawn to calm babies before bed
BoathouseDeckHug2 * Lori and Alice have a hug-up on the boathouse deck.

EmptyPoolFun1 * Grandma bought a funky mushroom pool. Even empty, it was fun.

MushroomPoolSkinnyDip03 * But splashing naked in a pool with water was LOTS of fun!

MushroomPoolSkinnyDip09 * Grandma helps Alice out of the pool

P1000722 * Chris gives Stephen a hug after he leaves the pool.

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7/16/09 7:11 PM
BoathouseCribFun3 * Stephen and Alice enjoy playing in the crib while the adults install a curtain in the boathouse.

LastLakeWalk2 * The last day, Chris took both babies for a walk so Lori and Elaine could load the car in peace. He can't remember why Alice had him so worried.

BancroftStop05 * We stopped in Bancroft on the way back to Toronto from the cottage. Here, Alice gets a quick change while Stephen plays with Grandma

BancroftStop14 * Stephen and Alice amuse themselves with water bottles.

Album last updated on 8/17/09 6:12 AM
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Copyright 2009, Lori Wright and Chris Walton